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 AGM Results

The Annual AGM held on Sunday August 6 was well attended by 49 Financial Members. For the first year in quite a while, we had more applicants than positions for the Committee. This renewed interest in the running of the club is wonderful.

Paul Moon spoke of his time since 2009 being everything from Committee Member to President. He thanked everyone for their support over that time and reiterated what an honor it has been. He then handed it over to our Returning Officer, Jeff Woodgate to announce the results of the Election.

The New Committee

President - Paul Fraser

Vice President/Secretary - John Tracey

Vice President - Ron Crowe

Treasurer – Melvyn Hodis


Clive Curry, Ken Rivett, John Groves, Ross Callaghan, Paul Dymock


Dave Parr, Ken Rivett, Ross Callaghan, Clive Curry.

Paul Fraser, our new President, has prepared a host of duties for the new Committee and, will, I am sure, also be asking for help from everyone else. This is our Club, and we should all be keen to help whenever and wherever we can.

The Way Forward

Now that we have a new Committee, what will change? From a day-to-day operation, hopefully, nothing. Bowls on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday will continue in the same manner as they have in the past. Turn up, pay up, and bowl. Very simple.

The new Committee is looking at ways to streamline some systems, such as having EPTPOS available for paying green fees, holding Presentations as soon as everyone is upstairs as well as seeing how best we can benefit the majority of our members.


BRING BACK THE BBQ, well this will be happening on a regular basis, the first being Tuesday September 5. Paul Dymock and John Groves, the new Social Committee, will be turning the snags. They are starting small before turning their tongs to Wednesdays and Fridays. You will be notified so that you can get in early.  

Other Club Events

Zone Finals

Gav Thompson and Glenn Hayes have made it through to the Final of the Zone 14 State Pairs Qualifying. They will play Steve Latham and Cody Griffin from Port City on August 26. Good luck to them.




Club Championships

The timetable for next year’s events is as follows. The format for these events will be announced later. The Singles Events and the Major Pairs will follow traditional formats, while the rest of the Competition Formats may be different to past years and more in line with most other clubs.


Entries Open

Draw Out

Comp Days


Minor Pairs



4&5 Nov


These will be short multi round games with the best 4 teams going forward to the final.




9/10 Dec




20/21 Jan

Over 60's Pairs



21/23 Feb



Entries Open

Draw Out

Semi Final & Final


Minor Singles



7/8 October

Once the draw is out, the players have 2 to 3 weeks to complete their games up until the Semi Final and Final. No set dates for the early events.
If a marker is required, ask in the Office and one will be found. Notify the Bowls Coordinator of your intentions to get the OK to play.

B Grade Singles



16/17 Dec

Major Singles



18/25 Feb

Over 60's Singles



21/28 Feb

Major Pairs



17/24 Mar


Welfare Report

By Ken Rivett

Reg Penney: Reg has been an absentee on the rinks in the past couple of months and after a discussion with his wife Denise the reason is clear. Firstly, Reg had a bad reaction to a Covid-19 injection and got shingles, this was followed up by complications he suffered after cataract surgery on his eye. He is convalescing at the moment but should be back on the greens shortly.

Ray Budnick: Ray has had the bandages removed from his recent finger amputation and is on the road to recovery, he had even returned to bowls by the end of July.

Walter Lutz: Walter frequents the greens usually on a Tuesday morning and plays social triples on a Friday. He will be absent for a few weeks after having hip replacement surgery in July.Keith Wilson: Keith made a return to the greens on the last Friday in July. He was hospitalised in July for 5 days with a blood infection, this on top of the ongoing pain from his hip. He has been to a specialist and is on the waiting list for his hip replacement and is on a course of pain killers to help him manage his day to day activities.

Warren Brentnall: Warren has been absent lately after contracting a bad case of the latest flu strain which had him laid up for 2 weeks. But Mr Happy will be back on the greens within a week.

George Kars: George passed away from cancer in the last week of July. From what I have been told he had been living with the condition for about 7 years and it was being treated with yearly injections, but the cancer finally metastasised to his bones and he passed away shortly after.  




George Kars July 23     Tommy Elford Mar 23              Rod Hearle 2022           Trevor Jones Dec 22     Maurie Langley: Dec 22      George Wood: 2022          Max Banes: Nov 22.     

Upcoming Events

22 – 24 September Prestige Pairs @ Port City, contact Phil Baker.

14-15 October Gold Medal Pairs Open 3 Bowl Pairs @ Westport


Social Bowls at Westport

Men’s afternoons: Tuesday (Casual) – 3Bowl Triples, Wednesday (Club Shirt) – 4Bowl Pairs, Friday (Casual) – 3Bowl Triples or 2Bowl 4’s.

Women’s: Thursday Morning (Uniform or Neat Casual)

Mixed: Tuesday and Saturday mornings (Neat Casual) 3 Bowl Triples

Mixed: Sunday Morning Shakers. (Casual)

First Monday of the Month – Men’s Over 60’s (White shirt) – 3 Bowl Triples - various venues.

Roll Ups – Tuesday to Sunday 10am start except Thursday @ 1pm


North Haven – Classic Pairs – Open Pairs, the 3rd Tuesday of the Month

Port City – McGrath Open Pairs –  on the last Thursday of the Month.

Check the Zone 14 Facebook page for more listings.  

 If you have anything interesting to give, please send it to John Tracey (tracey.aus@bigpond.com or text 0437 398 705)